
With rising levels of pollution and increasing stress, hair fall has become one of the most common problems ever. In addition to this leading a sedentary lifestyle and using chemical laden products on your hair doesn’t help either. Most people hence run to doctors to get a hair fall treatment. The major reason for hair fall is the food you eat, hence, when you start suffering from hair loss; the foremost thing to rectify is your diet. If you fail to provide ample nutrition to your body, no amount of hair care products can resolve your hair fall problem.

No worries. We are here with the top 7 foods that prevent hair fall;

Carrots: Not just the eyes, but carrots are responsible for long and lustrous locks as well. They contain Vitamin A which improves growth of hair and provides excellent nourishment for the scalp. A deficiency of Vitamin A in the body may lead to dry and itchy scalp along with hair loss as well. Vitamin A plays a significant role in sebum production, and, hence a diet rich in carrots can lead to faster hair growth. You can enjoy carrot, both as a healthy snack or as a vegetable salad.

Eggs: Egg needs to be your best friend if you desire a scalp full of healthy hair. It is rich in proteins, Vitamin B12, iron, zinc and Omega 6 fatty acids. The deficiency of these nutrients results in poor quality of hair. In addition to this, it is a good source for biotin which helps curb hair loss by strengthening the roots of your hair.

Dairy Products: Low-fat dairy products like milk and cheese are great sources of calcium, an important mineral for hair growth. They also contain whey and casein, two high-quality protein sources. Add some cottage cheese to your snack list and to help prevent hair loss, you can stir in a few tablespoons of flaxseed or walnuts for your required dose of omega 3 fatty acids and zinc.

Oats: A bowl of oats for breakfast is the best way to say goodbye to hair fall. Oats are a good source of fibre, zinc, iron, PUFAs and omega-3 which are known to stimulate hair growth and increasing the thickness. Since this imperative ingredient is only obtained through the diet, make sure you include oatmeal in your diet routine.

Walnuts: Walnuts contain biotin, Vitamin E, proteins, magnesium and Vitamins B1, B6, B9 in large quantities. These nutrients have been known to strengthen hair follicles and provide nourishment to the scalp. A handful of walnuts over the week should be good for your system. You can add them as toppings to your yogurt, smoothies or oats and enjoy.

Greek Yogurt: Yogurt is packed with Vitamin B5 and Vitamin D that are known to promote hair follicle health. The best part is you can use it both as a diet food and a hair mask. Every once in a while, applying a mask with Greek yogurt will nourish your scalp and provide rejuvenation to your hair. Greek yogurt is rich in vitamin B5, which regulates blood circulation to your scalp and hair.

Chicken: Poultry meat is rich in high quality protein which strengthens fragile hair and prevents breakage. One must include the daily recommendation of 56 grams of proteins in their daily diet as hair is composed mainly of proteins. Without the sufficient dietary protein, hair does not have much room to grow.

Ayushakti India believes in the power of natural herbs to cure your hair fall. Head over to our centre for an effective Ayurvedic hair fall treatment and say goodbye to all your hair health woes.

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What are the benefits of visiting an Ayurvedic Treatment Hospital for healthcare – Ayushakti India


Technology has helped the human race progress ahead of all other animals. It has made us the superior beings on this planet. Despite all its positive contributions to society, technology has also had quite a negative impact when it comes to our health and well-being. The atmosphere around us is chock-full of pollutants and we are inhaling that into our system on a regular basis. Ayushakti India believes in providing a holistic solution to all health issues. They channel this through proper Ayurvedic treatment in India.

As Indians, we are very lucky to be born and living in the land of Ayurveda. It isn’t difficult to find Ayurvedic clinics in India. But the challenge lies in finding the right clinic and doctors to help you with your problems. Ayushakti India is one of the best Ayurvedic centres in Mumbai. A holistic approach to ayurvedic treatments in India is essential to truly detoxify your body and promote overall better health in your system. At  Ayushakti India, we have some of the best Ayurvedic doctors in India.  They ensure a completely holistic approach with the use of only highest quality of herbal products to conduct the most effect Ayurvedic treatment in India.

At this highly effective Ayurvedic centre in Mumbai, you can expect to find a completely organic and herbal treatment process, which involves a complete body detoxification through herbal medications. Patients who are facing respiratory problems, infertility, digestive disorders, skin and hair problems and other health issues, can benefit immensely from this renowned Ayurvedic clinic in India. Using proven herbal remedies and authentic ancient treatment methods, these brilliant team of Ayurvedic doctors in India can provide a solution to most of your health problems. Even  people suffering from Depression, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Back Pain, Fibromyalgia, Psoriasis, high blood pressure, diabetes, epilepsy and autism have benefitted tremendously from this purely Ayurvedic treatment in India.

The detox programs at Ayushakti have since then helped many patients in improving their overall health. This ayurvedic centre in Mumbai also provides the patients with organic and herbal food supplements that accelerates the healing process.

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Why do we recommend an Ayurvedic treatment for cold and cough – Ayushakti India


]Cold and cough is one of the common conditions that affect our health nowadays. Whether it is because of changing weathers, infection, pollution or allergies – this pesky condition puts a big damper in our plans to go about our routine. Although there are different approaches to treat them, we have seen that an ayurvedic cure cough and cold is the most effective. At Ayushakti Mumbai, we strive to create an atmosphere where every single one of your health and emotional problems can be tackled with an ayurvedic approach.

Coughing is the process of sudden expulsion of air through the throat to clear blockages or irritations in the respiratory airways. It not only protects the lungs from foreign particles, but also works in getting the body rid of phlegm (a mixture of mucus, debris and cells). Viral coughs are highly contagious and can show symptoms like hoarseness of voice and throat irritation, and can also lead to a cold, if the infection spreads to the nose.

An ayurvedic approach to dealing with cough in Ayushakti Mumbai involves just facilitating the normal process of the body to heal the cold (which takes roughly a week). Medication that suppresses a cold usually ends up drying the condition, which leaves us with a dry cough that can last months. An ayurvedic solution for cough involves helping the system liquefy and expel the mucus easily, instead of suffering for an entire week.

Colds, on the other hand, are not just caused by infections. Allergic cold are a huge problem that obstructs our well-being. Allergens create a strong histamine reaction in our body, which is an immunological response in the form of massive mucus formation which helps in expelling the allergic particles. Medication that suppresses the cold can actually have a counter effect and can cause irritation and extreme congestion.  Ayushakti Mumbai believes in following an ayurvedic treatment for cold, where the focus is on improving the overall immunity of your body and also liquefying the mucus for faster expulsion.

Following a more ayurvedic cure for cough and cold both has shown remarkable results. This approach doesn’t suppress the condition, it ensures complete expulsion of the causative agents from the body along with strengthening the immunity. At Ayushakti Mumbai, we ensure a complete ayurvedic cure for cough and cold that will also boost the overall condition of your body.

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Why do we prefer an Ayurvedic treatment for Arthritis? – Ayushakti India



Arthritis is a problem that troubles many individuals as they step into maturity and then subsequently into seniority. This condition basically affects the joints, where an inflammation can occur that results in immobility and severe pain. It also agitates the tissues and the connective muscles surrounding the affected joint, thus aggravating the pain. Therefore it is important to chart out a proper plan for an arthritis treatment in India to fix the condition.

In reality, arthritis isn’t one but almost 200 different rheumatoid diseases that affects the joints. The biggest downside of having arthritis is that it can severely impede a person’s ability to perform routine tasks. The few most common forms of arthritis include inflammatory arthritis, degenerative or mechanical arthritis, metabolic arthritis, infectious arthritis, osteoarthritis, connective tissue disease, rheumatoid arthritis, septic arthritis, childhood arthritis, gout and fibromyalgia. Ayushakti India strives to provide the perfect cure to ease the pain of arthritis and provide relief to patients through ayurvedic treatment for joint pain.

Ayushakti India presents the Arthrox treatment – a completely ayurvedic treatment for joint pains and arthritis. Under this treatment program, different types of arthritis and joint pains can be treated naturally to retain flexibility back in them. So if you suffer from frozen shoulder, neck pain, cervical spondylosis, ostea arthritis or osteoporosis, rheumatoid arthritis, sciatica or gout, then you can benefit immensely from the ayurvedic medicine for arthritis under the Arthrox treatment.

This arthritis treatment in India has benefitted hundreds of people over the last 28 years. The research that backs up this treatment method proves that removal of deep rooted toxins and blockages from the joints and muscles is at the key of the Arthrox Treatment. It promotes healthy, strong and flexible joints naturally.

The Arthrox treatment is carried out in a 3-step approach. The first step is to remove toxins and excess air from the whole body, especially the neck, shoulders, back and leg through herbal remedies, to reduce stiffness and swelling.

The second step is to employ well-established lubrication therapies to restore flexibilities to the dried up muscles and joints. The third and final step is using rejuvenating herbal remedies to repair the bones, muscles and joints over several months, in order to increase their strength long-term.

This three pronged approach to arthritis treatment in India has proven to be successful in relieving hundreds of patients suffering from debilitating joint pain by targeting the disease at its core with the help of only natural remedies. This is why Ayushakti India strongly recommends a purely ayurvedic approach to tackling the problem that is arthritis.

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Why should you opt for an Ayurvedic Treatment for Infertility – Ayushakti India

Our modern times has seen a rising percentage of cases of infertility, both in men and women. Especially in cities like Mumbai, where the amount of stress and pollution has affected the lives of its residents, infertility is almost achieving epidemic levels. Couples who are desperately looking to have a baby are opting for IVF treatment in Mumbai. Although quite widespread in its reach, IVF treatments have several complications and side effects that nobody seems to be concerned with.

The problem with non-holistic and solely scientific methods of fertilization is that often it is not enough to pave the path for a healthy conceiving process and a successful pregnancy brought to term. Since the ultimate goal is to bring to your life the joys of parenthood, opting for a natural treatment for infertility in Mumbai is the approach that will provide you with the maximum results.

As preached in Ayurveda, every individual has specific dietary and herbal requirements. These requirements can be identified when you undergo Ayurveda treatment for infertility in India. At Ayushakti, infertility treatment in Ayurveda is practised through a step-by-step process of complete body and health rejuvenation, which is also known as the Infertox treatment.

Step one entails preparing your body through potent herbal remedies. These herbal remedies are all acknowledged by Ayurveda and are proven to have a positive influence on your overall internal health and well-being.

Step two entails internal cleansing and detoxification that initiates blockage removal from the reproductive tissues. This step accomplishes a body detox with a special focus on the reproductive organs, to ensure their smooth functioning.

Step three entails natural and holistic treatment mechanisms that ensure rejuvenation, renewal and strengthening of the reproductive system in order to facilitate a natural conception.

The Infertox treatment by itself has had many positive outcomes for many happy couples who have been then blessed with the miracle of pregnancy and childbirth. But when paired with IVF treatments, the chances of conception and a healthy pregnancy increases. It is known to improve the qualities of both the eggs and the sperm, the quality of the endometrium as well as promotes blood flow to the womb and also initiates favourable hormone creation. All these are just few of the many advantages that our patients reap when they choose Ayurveda treatment of infertility in India through Ayushakti’s Infertox process. These benefits are all necessary in order to attain a healthy pregnancy, whether naturally or through IVF.

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Ayurvedic Treatments for Diabetes – Ayushakti

Diabetes has turned out to be a global epidemic in its reach and effects. Its spread is almost reached every part of the world today, with millions of people suffering either unaware or struggling with medications and strict lifestyle modifications. A major percentage of these people are also suffering in silence, without understanding the long-term implications that diabetes can lead to.

Because of its widespread effects, there are a lot of diabetes treatments that are doing the rounds. However, it’s essential to keep your body healthy in order to fully conquer this condition. And for that, we’d only recommend ayurvedic medicine for diabetes. The root cause of diabetes is a slower metabolism. Now if we target the metabolism instead of just controlling the blood sugar with medicines, we can target the condition at its root. Ayushakti India aims for exactly this kind of a natural treatment for diabetes.

Through Ayushakti India’s Diabetox treatment, we try to unlock the secrets of diabetes treatments in ayurveda. With this branch of natural treatment of diabetes we adopt a triple focus 3-5 weeks deeper level daily treatment plan for diabetes. This holistic approach to diabetes management consists of very specific three steps.

The first step is targeted to improve metabolism through dietary modifications, herbal treatments and a daily anti-clogging treatment process.

The second step is a reparatory phase, targeted towards the damaged tissues and cells of the body, through medicated oilation and internal bastis. This process also strengthens pancreas functions in the body.

The third step targets the complete rejuvenation of the body with the help of Rasayana herbs. It further strengthens pancreatic functions and improves overall body health. It helps renew cells of the body, especially those of the essential organs like kidneys, liver, pancreas, heart and muscle tissues.

If you are looking for Ayurvedic diabetes treatment in Mumbai, then the Diabetox treatment will be perfect to help you not only gain control over your high blood sugar, but also improve your overall health. This diabetes management program has been derived from 27 years of global Ayurvedic research and facilitates a deeper healing through internal and external treatments that include proven effective herbal medicines and diet programs.


Diabetes is a metabolic condition that can manifest itself in very severe side effects unless checked and treated. While there are many allopathic approaches to diabetes management, they aren’t that successful in improving the holistic health of the diabetes patient. With Ayushakti India’s completely natural treatment for diabetes, we ensure a complete roundabout of the patient’s health along with reduced insulin dependency and blood sugar control.

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Where to find Ayurvedic medicine for Diabetes – Ayushakti India

Diabetes is termed as a modern disease. The reason it has been termed ‘modern’, is not because it has been seen in people in modern years, but because it it’s prevalence has increased in the population, in the recent years. The number of people with Diabetes has seen a steep increase, especially since the Industrial Revolution. With the machines replacing humans in different jobs, the physical activity of the common man gradually reduced and as this happened, the occurrence of Diabetes could be seen, on the rise. Without a proper check in the initial phases, it was almost too late before people realized how large-scale the spread of Diabetes was.
Ayurvedic medicine for Diabetes are the only thing that can reduce this spread of Diabetes? Why Ayurvedic? Well, conventional modern medicines simply deal with the symptoms of Diabetes and its aim is to suppress symptoms and aggravations. However, suppression of symptoms does not cure the disease entirely and is a poor substitute for an actual cure or remedy. Ayurveda offers natural techniques that involve food and lifestyle changes that aid the body in adapting and fighting the disease efficiently. Without such techniques to tackle a disease, our body will rarely be able to be free of it.
According to Ayurvedic philosophy, Diabetes is a chronic metabolic disorder. What happens in this disorder is that the body is unable to utilize glucose efficiently, which leads to two conditions. One, is Hyperglycemia (high blood sugar), and the other is Glycosuria (sugar in urine). A number of different conditions and processes take place in the body. Any alteration in the process can play with the body’s healing systems. This is exactly what happens in Diabetes. The lack of control of sugar levels in the body leads to a number of different complications for the individual.
Ayurvedic medicine for Diabetes are all about reestablishing the balance within the different systems in the body. Following are some factors that affect the balance in the body:-
  • Mental Stress
  • Physical stress
  • Diet
  • Weather
The moment any system in our body gets affected, it leads to a chain reaction of chaos in the other systems as well. All the systems in our body are interdependent of each other. Establishing proper coordination and sync is necessary for carrying out the daily activities effectively and without any errors. Any error in the body’s systems can be fatal for the body.
A powerful way of treating Diabetes exists in Ayurveda. A major chunk of Ayurveda deals with treating and managing diseases with the help of herbs. Indeed, mother nature has provided the world with herbs with different medicinal properties that help heal almost every disease/condition. A number of people have benefitted from herbs and take them regularly to help them in their battle with Diabetes. Caution is advised though, as there should be a proper prescription of the herb to the respective disease. A number of factors such as dosage and time of consumption, matters as well.
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Cold and Cough: An Ayurvedic Guideline – Ayushakti India

In the season of heavy rains and frequent downpour, people come across a variety of troubles. The most common amongst these troubles is the common cold/cough that affects a significant number of the population.
Following are some guidelines on how to manage cold and cough with the help of Ayurveda:
General Symptoms of Cough and Cold
  • Runny Nose
  • Coughing
  • Fever/Chills
  • Continuous sneezing
  • Sore throat
  • Headache
  • Muscle pain/fatigue
  • Body Pain
  • Breathing difficulty
One or many of the above symptoms are experienced by an individual suffering from a cold.
Causes of Cough and Cold
  • A continuous change of surroundings/constant exposure to cold and chilly winds can be contributors
  • A primary cause is the digestive fire (agni) being affected with cold or moist conditions
  • A reduced agni can affect the body’s overall immunity
  • Lowered immunity leads to an increase in the toxin production
  • These amas can go and clog the micro-channels in the body leading to formation of phlegm or mucus
  • It is this phlegm/mucus blocks the respiratory channel functions. Finally you experience soar throat, allergic cough, sneezing, blocked nose, breathing difficulty etc.
Along with the above mentioned causes, there can be other factors as well that lead to cold and cough treatment in individuals. For example, an allergy to one’s surroundings can also be the cause of a cold. Eating or drinking food that is too cold or hot can also cause cold and cough in the individual. Habits and lifestyle choices such as sleeping in the afternoon after a heavy meal or staying up late at night, can also contribute to developing a cold. There goes a quote which says that “Your biography is your biology” and the Ayurvedic philosophy stands by it. In the end, what we eat and do throughout the day has a large impact on our health.
Treating Cold and Cough Ayurveda way
  • Keep body (throat, feet, chest, head) warm
  • Gargle with warm salty & turmeric water for a sore throat
  • Avoid milk, milk products and fruits till the symptoms completely go away
  • Eat light foods like soups, boiled or steamed vegetables, dal khichadi (rice and mung dal) etc
  • Drink spiced/Herbal Teas
How to make herbal tea to improve your immune system and prevent viral fever ?
Fresh Basil leaves 20
Cinnamon stick – 1 inch long
Black pepper corns  crushed – 3
Fresh ginger crushed – 2 inches long
Jaggery (optional)  – as a sweetner
Water 4 cups
Boil the ingredients in water and make it 2 cups.  Filter and drink warm 3-4 times a day.
Stay safe this monsoon with the power of Ayurveda!
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