Ayurvedic Treatments for Diabetes – Ayushakti

Diabetes has turned out to be a global epidemic in its reach and effects. Its spread is almost reached every part of the world today, with millions of people suffering either unaware or struggling with medications and strict lifestyle modifications. A major percentage of these people are also suffering in silence, without understanding the long-term implications that diabetes can lead to.

Because of its widespread effects, there are a lot of diabetes treatments that are doing the rounds. However, it’s essential to keep your body healthy in order to fully conquer this condition. And for that, we’d only recommend ayurvedic medicine for diabetes. The root cause of diabetes is a slower metabolism. Now if we target the metabolism instead of just controlling the blood sugar with medicines, we can target the condition at its root. Ayushakti India aims for exactly this kind of a natural treatment for diabetes.

Through Ayushakti India’s Diabetox treatment, we try to unlock the secrets of diabetes treatments in ayurveda. With this branch of natural treatment of diabetes we adopt a triple focus 3-5 weeks deeper level daily treatment plan for diabetes. This holistic approach to diabetes management consists of very specific three steps.

The first step is targeted to improve metabolism through dietary modifications, herbal treatments and a daily anti-clogging treatment process.

The second step is a reparatory phase, targeted towards the damaged tissues and cells of the body, through medicated oilation and internal bastis. This process also strengthens pancreas functions in the body.

The third step targets the complete rejuvenation of the body with the help of Rasayana herbs. It further strengthens pancreatic functions and improves overall body health. It helps renew cells of the body, especially those of the essential organs like kidneys, liver, pancreas, heart and muscle tissues.

If you are looking for Ayurvedic diabetes treatment in Mumbai, then the Diabetox treatment will be perfect to help you not only gain control over your high blood sugar, but also improve your overall health. This diabetes management program has been derived from 27 years of global Ayurvedic research and facilitates a deeper healing through internal and external treatments that include proven effective herbal medicines and diet programs.


Diabetes is a metabolic condition that can manifest itself in very severe side effects unless checked and treated. While there are many allopathic approaches to diabetes management, they aren’t that successful in improving the holistic health of the diabetes patient. With Ayushakti India’s completely natural treatment for diabetes, we ensure a complete roundabout of the patient’s health along with reduced insulin dependency and blood sugar control.

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Web: www.ayushakti.com

Blog: www.ayushakti.com/blog

Where to find Ayurvedic medicine for Diabetes – Ayushakti India

Diabetes is termed as a modern disease. The reason it has been termed ‘modern’, is not because it has been seen in people in modern years, but because it it’s prevalence has increased in the population, in the recent years. The number of people with Diabetes has seen a steep increase, especially since the Industrial Revolution. With the machines replacing humans in different jobs, the physical activity of the common man gradually reduced and as this happened, the occurrence of Diabetes could be seen, on the rise. Without a proper check in the initial phases, it was almost too late before people realized how large-scale the spread of Diabetes was.
Ayurvedic medicine for Diabetes are the only thing that can reduce this spread of Diabetes? Why Ayurvedic? Well, conventional modern medicines simply deal with the symptoms of Diabetes and its aim is to suppress symptoms and aggravations. However, suppression of symptoms does not cure the disease entirely and is a poor substitute for an actual cure or remedy. Ayurveda offers natural techniques that involve food and lifestyle changes that aid the body in adapting and fighting the disease efficiently. Without such techniques to tackle a disease, our body will rarely be able to be free of it.
According to Ayurvedic philosophy, Diabetes is a chronic metabolic disorder. What happens in this disorder is that the body is unable to utilize glucose efficiently, which leads to two conditions. One, is Hyperglycemia (high blood sugar), and the other is Glycosuria (sugar in urine). A number of different conditions and processes take place in the body. Any alteration in the process can play with the body’s healing systems. This is exactly what happens in Diabetes. The lack of control of sugar levels in the body leads to a number of different complications for the individual.
Ayurvedic medicine for Diabetes are all about reestablishing the balance within the different systems in the body. Following are some factors that affect the balance in the body:-
  • Mental Stress
  • Physical stress
  • Diet
  • Weather
The moment any system in our body gets affected, it leads to a chain reaction of chaos in the other systems as well. All the systems in our body are interdependent of each other. Establishing proper coordination and sync is necessary for carrying out the daily activities effectively and without any errors. Any error in the body’s systems can be fatal for the body.
A powerful way of treating Diabetes exists in Ayurveda. A major chunk of Ayurveda deals with treating and managing diseases with the help of herbs. Indeed, mother nature has provided the world with herbs with different medicinal properties that help heal almost every disease/condition. A number of people have benefitted from herbs and take them regularly to help them in their battle with Diabetes. Caution is advised though, as there should be a proper prescription of the herb to the respective disease. A number of factors such as dosage and time of consumption, matters as well.
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